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Follow these Top Tips for entering into the Pharmacy in Focus Awards


  1. Be in it to win it

Why else would you?

  1. Address all criteria

It is there for a reason!!

  1. Answer the question

Stay on Point – no drifting off.

  1. Shout loud

Don’t be shy, tell us why you deserve it, because you do!

  1. Evidence

Keep it relevant but send it all.

  1. Cut it back, but not out

Keep the questions concise, but don’t forget anything, the detail can be in your evidence.

  1. Proof read your entries

No funny wonder spelling errors.

  1. Start early

Preparation is key….. Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was a winning entry!

  1. Say Cheese!

Don’t forget your photograph, we won’t accept your entry without it!

  1. We are here to help

Any queries please come to us, that’s what we are here for.

Now what are you waiting for….

Enter/Nominate Now


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