About Us

With more breaking news, exclusive interviews, educational resources and legislative updates than ever before, Pharmacy in Focus has cemented its position as the leading title for analysis surrounding the Northern Ireland profession’s hottest subjects. As the only dedicated pharmacy title in Northern Ireland and the Ulster Chemists’ Association’s official title, what matters to the membership is what matters to us and regular reader surveys help the Profile team to shape and continually improve the magazine.

Pharmacy in Focus is supported with a number of regular and spin-off supplements including the very highly valued CPD in Focus, ten comprehensive clinical modules specifically written with Northern Ireland pharmacists in mind by contractor Dr Terry Maguire.

Pre-reg in Focus, Frontline in Focus and Pre-reg CPD have also presented community pharmacy professionals and frontline healthcare staff with the resources to ensure that the most up to date and relevant material is at hand to assist with counter consultations, service development and much more.

During a time of unprecedented difficulty and uncertainty, pharmacists are continuing to deliver first-class healthcare throughout the province and it is essential that this work is recognised, supported and indeed continues, objectives which Pharmacy in Focus share with the UCA.

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This website is intended for Healthcare professionals only

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