Jeremy Meader, Numark managing director, has welcomed the publication of NHS England’s 10 Year Plan

and renewed his call for the Government to develop quickly a bold vision for community pharmacy as a key enabler to deliver the Plan’s ambitions. The Pharmacy network in England is perfectly placed to play a key role in providing fully integrated community-based healthcare that focusses on delivering both preventative care and long term condition management in the heart of local communities, helping to reduce the strain on GP’s and A&E departments.

The plan acknowledges the role of community pharmacists and refers to NHSE working with Government to make greater use of their skills and opportunities to engage patients. “Community pharmacists are ideally placed and already have the skills and expertise to promote a prevention agenda including healthier lifestyles and support in areas such as smoking cessation, obesity, and reducing coronary risk factors, in addition to support patients manage long term conditions” says Mr Meader. He further adds “now is the time to align the funding system in community pharmacy to the opportunities and aspirations set out in the long term plan”. Mr Meader urged all the pharmacy bodies to unite in order to ensure that pharmacy puts forward a cohesive and positive front to ensure fair and sustainable long term funding for contractors in return for invaluable services provided to patients in the local community, an ambition clearly set out in the plan. “Numark will play a full and strong role in promoting this message to Government and other key stakeholders” said Mr Meader.

Contact: Emma Charlesworth 


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