The book was born out of the desire to merge both my background as a pharmacist and dancer in September 2016 during the RPS Annual Conference in Birmingham.

Being a Dance for Parkinson’s practitioner, I understood the huge benefit of social activities for patient care and wellbeing. This is also known as Social Prescribing (SP). I had the privilege to do interviews with 24 influencers in both Social Prescribing, Digital Health, Dance and Pharmacy.

In this book, you will learn the best practices used amongst the most popular SP schemes in UK and internationally. This will in turn give you priceless insights on how you could approach your local stakeholders to set up a new income stream. This will act in synergy with the SP Funding by the Department of Health led by Bev Taylor from Social Prescribing Network (SPN) as well the appointment of the Minister of Loneliness.

As a pharmacist, I set up both Movement Pharmacy Association (MPA) and World Social Prescribing Forum (WSPF) to promote this approach nationally and globally. I personally helped to set up Dance classes for Parkinson’s in Swindon and used it to develop my blueprint refined from the newly acquired knowledge. You will also have access to the Digital Health Formulary (DHF) which was collated from attending relevant events and online resources.

My vision is for Social and Digital Prescribing to become mainstream in Community Pharmacy in line with the NHS Five Year Forward View.


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